Restoring discolored lace: Scallop Hem JSK

There is a saying where I’m from, which goes: “old age comes with defects”. The same is true for my latest purchase, which was the Scallop Hem JSK (2007) from Baby the Stars Shine Bright. I had bought it secondhand off Lacemarket, and was surprised to see the amazing condition such an old dress wasContinue reading “Restoring discolored lace: Scallop Hem JSK”

Halloween coords & Lolita during spooky season

Ah yes, my favorite time of year – October. Just like a lot of other lolitas, I like to come up with ways to incoorporate the fashion into a costume or halloween themed coordinate to celebrate my favorite holiday of the year. A sentiment shared by many, although some (mostly sweet lolitas, in my experience)Continue reading “Halloween coords & Lolita during spooky season”

Review: Little Bear – Lara’s Doll

Recently, I have placed a Taobao order via Chinese Lolita Updates. The order was for Lara’s Doll by Little Bear. I placed my order in February 2021 and the dress arrived in early August 2021, which is fairly normal for pre-order dresses through Taobao. In this blogpost I’d like to showcase the dress and myContinue reading “Review: Little Bear – Lara’s Doll”

2020: A Dive into Old School Lolita Fashion

As the year is drawing to a close, it’s the time to reflect back. For me, 2020 was the year when I fell in love again with the old school lolita aesthetic. After all, this was the style that got me into the fashion way back in the day. For this blogpost, I’d like toContinue reading “2020: A Dive into Old School Lolita Fashion”